Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Happy diwali to all Londoners.

It was an early Diwali in London this year with thousands gathering at the Trafalgar Square for the annual Diwali celebrations. Even the rain didn't dampen the festive spirit
“It’s a shame about the weather but we are enjoying ourselves,” said Susan, a resident of London."Not only do we have Hindus here but Christians, Muslims and Sikhs and it’s really nice since it brings all the religions together,” says another resident, Anita

For past six years, the Mayor of London's office has been organising Diwali festivals at Trafalgar Square, an event that has become an annual feature and marks the beginning of the festive season in the city.
"Happy diwali to all Londoners. I am sorry about the weather but what’s remarkable is that we have a full Trafalgar Square,” said Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London.

Complete artical HERE


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