Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bloodsport returned to the mean street of Mumbal

Wednesday, November 14, 2007 (Mumbai)Bloodsport returned to the mean streets of Mumbai as three high-profile police killings echo to a violent past.
Sharpshooter for the notorious Ejaz Lakdawala gang, Imran Radiowala, Vijay Choudhary of the Guru Satam gang and ex-Chhota Rajan gangster Nadeem Haider were recently killed in police encounters.

Justifying the encounters, R R Patil, Home Minister, Maharashtra said, ''the crime rate is high so the police have to take this retaliatory action.''
It seems like a feeble justification for what many call cold-blooded murder, for crime has nothing to do with it.

Encounters are how the police and underworld settle scores. This despite a circular issued by the state home minister asking the men in uniform to rein in the bullets.
''There is no need to glamourize encounters. They are a retaliation,'' said Devin Bharti, DCP Crime, Mumbai.
Complete artical HERE


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