Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Diwali at house of Commons on Wednesday

Parliamentarians, several Cabinet Secretaries and 200 multi-faith leaders are expected to attend the sixth Diwali celebration in the House of Commons on Wednesday.

The event, hosted by Parliamentarians from all three major parties in partnership with the Hindu Forum of Britain is sponsored by Barclays Commercial Bank.

Indian classical music and chanting of ancient Sanskrit hymns will be held at the Commons, which will be decorated with lamps, colourful rangoli patterns, sacred food displays, exhibits, Indian sweets, gifts and incense.

Ramesh Kallidai, secretary general of the Hindu Forum of Britain, said on Monday: "This annual Diwali at Westminster reception is now well established in the community and political calendar, with both politicians and community representatives recognising the great contribution made by Hindus in British Society as well as enjoying one of the most important festivals for one billion Hindus around the world.

Complete artical HERE


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