Sexy actress Vedhika who sizzled in dances sequences of Tamil film Kaalai with Simbu is all set to enter the Kannada film industry. She will be teamed up with Golden Star Ganesh in S.V.Babu's new film to be directed by music arranger Ravi Verma. Ravi Verma is holding the mantle of direction for the first time in this film besides writing the story and script of the film. The film will be launched in the second week of May in Bangalore. Devi Sree Prasad is the music director of this film. The film's title has now been confirmed as Sangama, though earlier many other titles were considered.
Vedhika has already worked in Tamil and Telugu films and she was introduced to the film industry by Actor Arjun who selected her to play his lead in the film Madaraasi. The film was later dubbed into Telugu. Then Vedhika had worked in Tamil film Muni directed by Dance choreographer Lawrence Raghavendra. She has also worked in another Tamil film Kaalai in which she was teamed up with Silambarasan. Though her first two Tamil films were dubbed into Telugu, she was seen in another Teleugu film Vijayadashami in which she was teamed up with Kalyan Ram.
Vedhika stays with her mother and a younger brother in Mumbai. Though she hails from Mumbai, her studies was completed in the US and UK. She finished B.Sc in Business Administration and did M.Sc in marketing in London. 'My mother is very cooperative and I love fighting with my little brother everyday. I love my family. I want to be known as a talented actress and a good human being' says Vedhika who is quite excited to be part of the Kannada film industry.
Complete artical HERE
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Golden star Ganesh and Vedhika's 'Sangama'
Labels: south cenema
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