Monday, November 5, 2007

The Khalistan dream is being fanned again in offices in Punjab

The recent blast in Ludhiana raised fears of the revival of fringe elements from the days of terrorism in Punjab. Here is a report that reveals that these fears are not entirely unfounded with terrorist outfits revitalizing their funding as well as sources of arms, ammunitions and explosives.

The capabilities of the existing terrorist modules and their supply lines have left the security agencies stunned. The Khalistan dream is being fanned again in offices in Ludhiana.
Till two years ago Daljit Singh Bittu was in jail. A hardcore terrorist in the late 80s he was implicated in 22 TADA cases. Now out on bail he runs a group promoting Khalistan.

''Sikhs have given vent to their aspirations the name of Khalistan. So that's a beautiful name that denotes the ideals of Khalsa,'' said Daljit Singh Bittu, former terrorist.Bittu's base is now Ludhiana, a city rocked by an explosion in mid October and the police suspect Khalistani groups were behind it.

All over the state a disturbing trend has emerged in the last two years.There have been six blasts in Delhi, Chandigarh, Jalandhar and Ludhiana connected to the pro-Khalistan movement.
Pro-Khalistan MMSs are being circulated in colleges in Punjab. More than ten anti-India magazines are being published.

Anniversaries of major terrorist acts, once marked only in jails, are now being celebrated at public events and framed posters of Bhindranwale are making a reappearance in drawing rooms.

Not just a sustained public campaign, the more worrying fact lies in police files interrogation reports of the terrorists arrested during the last couple of years reveal that the terrorist outfits have revitalized their supply lines of money as well as arms, ammunitions and explosives.
The capabilities of the existing terrorist modules and their supply lines have left the security agencies stunned.

Jagtar Singh Hawara the India Chief of the Babbar Khalsa International escaped from Chandigarh jail with two other terrorists in January 2004 but was arrested by the Delhi police 15 months later.
In those months, according to the police interrogation report Hawara was supplied a huge cache of arms and ammunition, including 35 kilograms of RDX and four AK-47 rifles. He also received Rs 21 lakh through Hawala channels.
Complete artical HERE


Anonymous said...

Sikhs are not terrorists. Khalistanis are not terrorists. Sikhs have never murdered innocent civilians. Indian government is a terrorist corrupt regime, not a democracy. Khalistan will be a global reality. Sikhs are the bringers of peace, love, humanity and truth. Indian government is responsible for falsehood, hatred, and genocide.

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