Sunday, November 11, 2007

T.S.Niveditha whistling Queen from Chennai

Whistling is probably not a hobby that will go down well in public. But in Chennai, a young woman's talent to whistle is her claim to fame.
It has been 22-year-old T S Nivedhita's passion for almost 10 years now. And it is this passion that has earned the management student the title of Whistle Queen. So does she think it's enough?
“I have got some recognition, but I hope that it will be given more importance. Actually the problem is that that it is not even considered an art in India. That should be changed,” Niveditha said.
Since childhood whistling has been Niveditha’s favourite pastime. She used to whistle even while doing her homework and that’s when her parents, both vocalists, recognised the talent and encouraged her to pursue it. Her first concert was held in Chennai in1998.
“Because of her I got to meet MS Subbalakhmi and even went to the President’s office. All these beautiful moments make me very proud and I hope that she will be able to achieve more,” Niveditha's mother, Nikhila Shyam Sundar said.
Complete artical HERE


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